I am a developer I need to integrate DATEV API for import files into Datacenter from my merchant transactions.
Could you please let me know if there are any open-source data centers available for reference? If anyone has knowledge of this, I would appreciate it if you could explain the process.
Notes: I don't have datev account, in future, I will create one. But now I want to learn the process.
Please visit:
Willkommen | DATEV Developer Portal (english)
That is the place to go for developers. You can find documentation over there and you can learn about the options how to get support as a developer if needed.
I have already visited the developer portal, but it only contains basic information. If anyone has details on the process for importing data to the data center and formatting files, please share them here.
@Ragav schrieb:If anyone has details on the process for importing data to the data center
Access to our online API sandboxes is available immediately upon registration in the Developer Portal. This allows for an initial validation of the intended Use Cases to get started.
A technical check by DATEV is required before end users can use the API integration. The mandatory onboarding package can be ordered directly during theappointment booking process. More information about the Onboarding Package is available during thebooking process. See also theFAQs.
We also recommend the booking of an initial consultation. This will ensure that the selected online APIs are suitable for the intended purpose. This consultation is also part of the mandatory onboarding package.
Below you will find all relevant information for the API integration.
From: How to integrate a DATEV dataservice | DATEV Developer Portal
@Ragav schrieb:... and formatting files, please share them here.
File Interfaces | DATEV Developer Portal
Do you have questions about the concept, implementation or would you like personal advice? We will be happy to help you.